Many people do not understand the difference between Internal medicine and primary care doctors. Both are considered your first line of defense in the medical arena for non-emergent symptoms. Symptoms such as non-emergent injuries, infections, skin abnormalities, headaches, abdominal/chest pain, anxiety, chronic pain, abnormal cramping, fatigue, lack of energy, fever, etc. are all perfect examples of what is treated every day in a PCP/ Internal medicine practice. Both practitioners’ main objective is advising, preventing, diagnosing, managing, and treating such symptoms. They also serve as the gateway to more specialized doctors if you have complicated conditions beyond their scope. There are 11 subspecialties of internal medicine: Endocrinology, Cardiology, Immunology & Allergy, Adolescent, Gastroenterology, Hospitalist, Hematology, Infectious Disease, Pulmonology, Sports Medicine, Geriatric, Critical Care, Oncology, Sleep Therapy, Rheumatology, and Nephrology.
So how are they different? Internal medicine is concerned with diagnosing, preventing, and treating illness and disease in ADULTS. A primary care practice is often referred to as a family practice of which could also offer pediatric treatment. It is also more common for a family practice to involve direct treatment and management from a Nurse Practitioner or Physician’s assistant with minimal actual physician involvement. Both medical professionals are highly trained and skilled in taking great care of you and treating your symptoms. They are also widely used in internal medicine; however, the difference is that the physician is still going to be very actively involved in the patient’s care.
At NAB Life Clinic, our chronic care management patients have a direct line to our physician’s assistant who is well trained in managing their care for any of their immediate healthcare needs. They conduct and follow up on our patient’s lab, imaging and therapy orders. If the patient’s needs are more urgent and require immediate physicians’ attention, they have the ability to communicate directly with the physician in order to optimize their care. This allows the physician to have a frequent history of contact with their patient so that they make well informed decisions regarding the patient’s care.
Our focus is to manage health and not just treat symptoms from time to time as they arise. We strive to have a great personal relationship and understanding of the medical needs of our patients. It is important for everyone to see their physician at least a few times a year and get the age appropriate screenings and lab testing. The results from the proper screening and visit can yield simple changes to your nutrition, activity, sleep and focus in order to maintain balance can lead to many more years of an optimal life. Medication is not always the answer.
At NAB Life Health Clinic in Niceville, FL, Dr. Michael Adam Weisbruch is an internal medicine doctor. We would be honored to serve you. Please give us a call at 850-252-4303.